Each studio class size is optimum, designed for no more than 40 students. Furniture and classroom ambience is a result of careful planning. Cheerful colors, balanced lighting and careful positioning of work spaces contribute to the overall feeling of welcome.
Open Air Theatre
The only Architecture College in Hyderabad with a Landscaped 250 seats Open Air Theatre
One of the largest Architectural Libraries with Two Level Reading Areas and Digital Library.
Computer Lab
State of the Art Computer Lab with 40 systems having latest Software equipped with WiFi. A fully distributed computing environment based on clusters of workstations and PC’s provides the staff and students ready access to computing resources, services software and applications. The environment is tailored to the specific teaching/learning needs of the department. Full access is provided to email, the Internet, departmental intranets and other online sources of services and information through leased line internet.
Constructions Yard
A Construction Yard for the students to experiment with the various Designs and Construction Techniques and Building Materials.
Materials Museum
Latest Building Materials and Construction Materials Archive for Students to Sample.
Transport Facility
A large fleet of 35 buses with excellent connectivity to each and every part of the city.